Interesting Email Marketing Campaign Examples to Learn From
An email marketer's job can be tricky, as he has to engage the audience and work on innovative marketing strategies to make a difference. Most people delete the email or unsubscribe from it without reading, calling for an email marketing campaign that is powerful enough to attract an audience and smart enough to entice them to open it.
However, your emails need to be inspiring, eye-catching, and creative so that the subscribers or users take action. In short, your email marketing campaign should have a higher ROI. If the ROI is less, it's time for some drastic changes. Hire dedicated developers to build a dynamic application where you can use your email newsletter to grow the business.
You can get inspired by some incredible and interesting email marketing campaign examples. Let's dive deep and understand them, but first, know about the email marketing campaign.
What is an Email Marketing Campaign?
- An email marketing campaign can be a single mail or a group of emails you send to your subscribers. It can include discounts, special offers, promotions, and useful content.
- The main purpose of the campaign is to nurture leads and customers to engage with the mail and take a specific action. You can also use advanced CRM for email marketing which allows us to build customized communications between each prospect bringing better results. Besides, each mail leads to a specific call to action, i.e. continue reading, click on the signup, or add the product to the cart.
- Moreover, email marketing campaigns are a significant part of inbound marketing, which helps establish a relationship between subscribers and the brand.
Interesting Email Marketing Campaign Examples to Learn From:
1. Netflix
Netflix comes up with smart email campaigns that attract many people. Presently, it is reaching out to subscribers who haven't logged in to the platform for a while. Using a dynamic layout and content for customization, it sends emails to all the visitors who haven't logged in.
However, the show suggestions change based on the activity of the subscriber which means that each subscriber receives customized emails, based on their preference.
One subscriber would get a mail about watching the series - Marcell, and the other subscriber would get the mail to watch the series - Great British banking show.
2. Birchbox
Birchbox is your one-stop solution to sending great emails, and the email marketing campaign is an exception. Moreover, the copy and image blend creates a sense of playfulness in the mail.
A subscriber may be inquisitive to know about the mail if it has an element of playfulness.
Anybody would like to play a game or two for fun, right? Plus, it is a quirky way to engage subscribers and get them excited at the new prospects of the prizes they would get once they finish the game.
3. Litmus
Litmus is another great example of animation and engagement. It does not use static content, but it uses the under-the-hook look for the mail, which makes it eye-catching.
Moreover, the campaign can encourage a subscriber to take a deeper dive into the content of the page. The headline of the page in the marketing campaign says a lot about what the page is about.
Plus, the animation used is subtle and serves the email's body copy in the best possible way. The email creates a contrasting but matching focal point that gels well with the rest of the copy.
4. Jetblue
Jetblue is another marketing campaign example that offers complete customer delight. The loveable marketing campaign uses cheeky elements that aim to reengage all the lost customers.
Besides, every element - whether header, points, or call to action has a purpose and nothing is out of place. In short, it creates a lovely campaign, but without being pushy.
The campaign works for its friendly personality and engaging elements, which make a difference in the approach. Also, when the email is relatable, it gets a positive reaction from a user.
5. Headspace
Welcome emails give you the first chance to make an impression on new subscribers. Headspace has created a new space in the welcome emails series, as it provides the customers manageable pieces of information about the brand over time instead of sending an info dump in a single mail.
Additionally, Headspace reaffirms the subscriber's decision to subscribe to Headspace. The mail includes different links that will take the subscribers to landing pages designed to increase value to subscribers.
Besides, it can be used as the first mail in the welcome series that teaches the subscribers what Headspace is about.
6. Boxycharm
As a customer, you would love to open an email with an eye-catching subject line, right? Plus, most users skim emails with a subject that is not eye-catching. The emails you spent hours writing can go unnoticed, which would affect the conversion rate.
By adding visual cues, you can guide subscribers and evoke curiosity. Boxycharm uses animated arrows to direct attention throughout the mail. It holds the attention of the customer with the promise of a surprise.
The company helps you read through the messages using visual cues. By teasing a surprise offer, you can make your email content interesting.
7. Loft
Loft aims to demonstrate the mixed value inbox. In short, it provides you with the emails you may want to open. However, loft asks the email recipients to update their preferences so that it helps them deliver a more customized experience.
Plus, the customer-focused email helps establish a connection on a personal level. Most customers feel their likes, dislikes, and beliefs matter to the company. The main aim of the mail is to center the need of the recipient. Additionally, with a low friction CTA, the copy is more effective.
8. Tory Burch
Even a small bit of animation you use can help make a difference. Tory Burch uses small animations that leverage uniqueness and frame promotion as a private sale. And the promotion tactic feels like the recipients are specially chosen for the private sale. It encourages them to click on the offer and take special advantage of the opportunity.
Besides, with time emails get static and boring. Sending the same email again can affect your brand's credibility. By choosing to be different, the email weakens the expectations without going overboard.
Be Creative
The best email marketing examples can affect how you create your emails. You can get inspired by the thought and create your style to attract customers.
Plus, you will notice different things that make each one of them great. Some have great design, and some work on the copywriting part. So, use the above examples to make your email marketing campaign work like magic.