7 Things Creative People Do
Want to know if you're the 'creative type'? Read on below and see if you can tick off any of the checklist...
- They breathe air
- They can speak at least one language fluently
- They’re a cat or dog person…or neither
- They probably don’t shit in the woods as often as bears
- They eat, sleep and drink (full stop)
- They called their teacher ‘Mum’ by accident at least once
- They’ve watched at least one episode of Friends in their life
So hang on, that’s pretty much everyone right? YES! Everyone is Creative! It doesn’t matter if you’re a professional Wrestler or a Dental Nurse – you all have the ability within you to create something new, exciting and different. You don’t have to have a job title like ‘Head Chief Creative Officer of Ideation EMEA’ to have a light bulb moment. You just have to allow yourself the space. Be curious about what’s in your amazing - 100% unique mind and just let it out. You could just start writing the first things that come into your head, paint a tea cup or simply write down your dreams when you wake up. Take a photo of your hand, a tree, some salt spilled on a table – it’s fun and it feels good! So keep breathing and unleash the creativity that’s already in you!